AI Artificial Intelligence 2001

Categorized as Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction

Release Date: 06/29/2001 (US)
Duration: 2h 26m
Genre: Drama, Science Fiction, Adventure

David is an 11-year-old boy. He is 6 feet tall and weights 60 pounds. He stands at a height of 4 foot and 6 inches. His hair is dark. His affection is genuine. He isn’t, though.

A Cybertronics employee and his wife foster David, a robotic boy who is the first of his type designed to love. Despite the fact that he eventually becomes their boy, David’s existence is made impossible by a sequence of unforeseen events. Without final approval from humans or robots, David sets off on a quest to find out where he really belongs, uncovering an environment where the distinction between robot and computer is both immense and razor-thin.

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