Anne Of Green Gables The Sequel 1987

Categorized as Drama, Family, Romance

Release Date: 05/19/1987 (US)
Duration: 3h 50m
Genre: Drama, Romance, Family


Anne Shirley, who is now a teacher, has been writing stories and keeping track of rejection slips. She meets a handsome, wealthy bachelor, chases a cow, and (much to her dismay) wins a writing contest sponsored by a baking soda corporation. She serves as Diana’s maid of honor and declines Gilbert Blythe’s marriage proposal, which leads to her being assigned to teach at Kingsport Ladies’ College, an elite girls’ school, where she faces resistance from one of the students, Miss Brooke, and the Pringle family (one of whom is a rich, handsome bachelor). However, Anne returns to Avonlea after enjoying the war and the new friends she has created.

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