Annie 2014

Categorized as Comedy, Drama, Family

Release Date: 12/19/2014 (US)
Duration: 1h 59m
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family


Annie is a young, cheerful foster child who is still tough enough to navigate New York’s streets in 2014. Her parents abandoned her as a kid with the hope that they’d return for her someday, and she’s had a miserable life with her cruel foster mother Miss Hannigan ever since. But all is about to shift when Will Stacks, a hard-nosed tycoon and New York mayoral nominee, makes a thinly-veiled political move and brings her aboard, advised by his clever VP and his shrewd and cunning campaign strategist. Annie’s self-assured disposition and cheerful, sun-will-come-out-tomorrow outlook on life can indicate that Stacks is her guardian angel, not the other way around.

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