Beasts of the Southern Wild 2012

Categorized as Drama

Release Date: 06/29/2012 (US)
Duration: 1h 33m
Genre: Drama

I’ve got to look after my own.

Hushpuppy, a brave six-year-old kid, lives in ‘the Bathtub,’ a southern Delta village on the edge of the earth, with her dad, Wink. Wink’s tough love trains her for the universe’s unraveling—for a moment when he isn’t around to defend her. When Wink catches a strange disease, biology goes haywire—temperatures spike, ice caps melt, and an invasion of extinct animals known as aurochs is unleashed. Hushpuppy goes in pursuit of her missing mother while the seas rise, the aurochs approach, and Wink’s wellbeing begins to deteriorate.

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