Beverly Hills Cop 1984

Categorized as Action, Comedy, Crime

Release Date: 11/30/1984 (US)
Duration: 1h 45m
Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime

The Heat Has Been Turned On!

The pressure is on for Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley, a clever street cop in Detroit who has been hunting down the murderer of his best friend at Beverly Hills. Axel soon discovers that its wild design doesn’t blend with the Beverly Hills Police Department, which assigns two officials to ensure things won’t get out of control (Judge Reinhold & John Ashton). Dragging the stuffy cops along for the trip, Axel has a major cultural confrontation in his hilarious, quick track to justice. Beverly Hills Cop is an exciting, sidesplitting adventure featuring cameos by Paul Reiser, Bronson Pinchot and Damon Wayans.

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