Daphne & Velma 2018

Categorized as Action, Comedy, Crime, Horror

Release Date: 05/22/2018 (US)
Duration: 1h 12m
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Action, Crime

These B.F.F.s were clueless until Scooby-Doo.

Bright and ambitious Daphne and whip-smart and insightful Velma are both mystery-solving teenagers who are best buddies but have just interacted online until now, before their ultimate team-up with Scooby and the crew. Daphne has just moved to Velma’s academy, Ridge Valley High, an impressive tech-savvy institute with all the new gadgets funded by the school’s benefactor, Tobias Bloom, a tech billionaire. As students compete for a prestigious internship at Bloom Innovative, Daphne and Velma look past the devices and technology to figure out what’s causing some of the school’s brightest students to vanish – only to reappear in a zombie-like condition.

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