Gantz Perfect Answer 2011

Categorized as Action, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction

Release Date: 04/23/2011 (JP)
Duration: 2h 21m
Genre: Action, Mystery, Science Fiction, Horror

He was enamored of creation. He was harsh at times, fragile at others, but he still lived with unquenchable zeal!

The events of the first film take place many months after the events of Perfect Response. Kurono is now battling aliens under the command of Gantz, a strange huge black orb, and he’s very nearer to resurrecting his buddy Kato. Kurono manages to enjoy his usual life outside of his nighttime assignments, enjoying time with his new girlfriend Tae. Meanwhile, Gantz is secretly ordering teenage pop star Eriko to carry out assassinations, and cop Shigeta is becoming closer to discovering the facts regarding the Gantz missions. Kurono realizes that Gantz’s endgame is rapidly approaching as the operations get more risky for both the alien warriors and the general public.

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