Gogol The Beginning 2017

Categorized as Adventure, Horror, Mystery, Thriller

Release Date: 08/31/2017 (RU)
Duration: 1h 40m
Genre: Mystery, Adventure, Thriller, Horror

Overview of The Darkest Night Before Dawn

1829 is the year. Nikolay Gogol, a young clerk in the Third Section, is desperate: his own books are shallow and mediocre, but he keeps purchasing whole print runs just to burn them all. He is afflicted by violent epileptic episodes and finds it difficult to continue functioning. Investigator Yakov Guro happens upon one of these fits and discovers that Gogol’s dreams hold hints that might aid in the investigation of actual crimes. Gogol and Guro team up to solve a particularly strange and perplexing situation, which leads them to the tiny village of Dikanka, where everybody has a massive mystery to keep hidden.

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