Messengers 2 2009

Categorized as Horror

Release Date: 07/21/2009 (US)
Duration: 1h 34m
Genre: Horror

The Starting Point Of The End

John Rollins, a family man farmer, is worried about his financial situation: crows and a shortage of irrigation are killing his corn crop; his debt is about to be paid off; he doesn’t have credit to repair the water pump or buy seeds; and his marriage is in trouble, with his wife Mary paying so much attention to her friend Tommy. When John inadvertently sees a scary scarecrow in a secret compartment in the stable, his son Michael makes him swear to kill it. However, his next-door neighbor Jude Weatherby pays him a call, hands him a six-pack of malt, and persuades him to place the scarecrow in the cornfield. The crows disappear, the pump starts irrigating the ground again, and the banker responsible for the closure has an accident and dies. However, he believes that the sinister has taken possession of his land and is attacking his beloved family.

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