No Game No Life Zero 2017

Categorized as Action, Animation, Drama

Release Date: 07/15/2017 (JP)
Duration: 1h 46m
Genre: Animation, Action, Drama


Riku is an angry young fighter in old Disboard who seeks to save mankind from the battle. Exceed, the seventeen sentient species, struggle to establish the ‘Only true God’ of the Old Deus. The absence of magic and frail bodies in a lawless land has made it easy targets for mankind, putting them on the verge of extinction. One day, optimism returns to mankind, as Riku meets a powerful woman named Schwi, ex-machina. Exiled from her cluster by her investigation into human emotions, Schwi is persuaded that only because of the force of these thoughts has mankind endured. In the middle of the utter confusion Riku and Schwi must now pursue the solutions to each other’s unique weaknesses and learn for themselves what it really means to be human while fighting against all odds for their survival. It is now their responsibility to prevent the extinction of the human race and to maintain peace across Disboard, each with a powerful, fresh ally in tow!

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