Paper Towns 2015

Categorized as Drama, Mystery, Romance

Release Date: 07/24/2015 (US)
Duration: 1h 49m
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance

Become disoriented. Let your name out there.

Quentin Jacobsen has admired Margo Roth Spiegelman, the magnificently adventurous woman, from afar for a lifetime. Then he leads her back into his life through a doorway, dressing as a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of vengeance. Q returns at school after their all-nighter finishes and a fresh day begins to learn that Margo, who has already been a mystery, has finally been one. Q, on the other hand, quickly discovers that there are clues—and they’re all for him. Q is pushed down a detour, and the more he is, the less he sees of the girl he thinks he knows.

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