Plan 9 from Outer Space 1959

Categorized as Horror, Science Fiction

Release Date: 07/22/1959 (US)
Duration: 1h 19m
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction

Unfathomable monsters from beyond the stars paralyze the living and bring the deceased back to life!

In California, an elderly man mourns the death of his wife before passing away the following day. The space soldier Eros and her companion Tanna, on the other hand, use an electric gadget to revive themselves as well as the powerful Inspector Clay, who was murdered by the pair. Their goal is not to conquer Earth, but to prevent humanity from creating the explosive bomb “”Solobonite,”” which would endanger the whole world. As residents of Hollywood and Washington, DC see flying saucers in the sky, an officer, a police captain, a commercial pilot, his mom, and a cop attempt to avoid them.

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