Plunkett And Macleane 1999

Categorized as Action, Comedy, Drama

Release Date: 10/01/1999 (US)
Duration: 1h 33m
Genre: Drama, Action, Comedy

They took advantage of the wealthy… Victor Crowley Resurrects Victor Crowley Resurrects Victor Crowley Resurrects Victor Crowley Resurrects Victor

Will Plunkett and Captain James Macleane, two men from opposite ends of the social continuum in 18th-century England, reach an arrangement to depose the aristocrats of their possessions. Plunkett’s criminal expertise and Macleane’s social contacts allow them to form “”The Gentlemen Highwaymen.”” When these gentlemen hold up Lord Chief Justice Gibson’s coach one day, Macleane falls head over heels in love with Lady Rebecca Gibson, his stunning and cunning sister. Unfortunately, Thief Taker General Chance, who is also fond of Rebecca, is becoming closer to obtaining both.

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