Remember Me My Love 2003

Categorized as Comedy, Drama, Romance

Release Date: 03/03/2003 (US)
Duration: 2h 5m
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Romance

Any loves are never forgotten in the grand scheme of things

A typical Italian family’s tale in which the visions of those who have missed their opportunities and those who wish to achieve them emerge. Carlo and Giulia are a married couple who have both sacrificed their dreams in order to live a normal existence. Paolo, their 19-year-old son, is having difficulty establishing himself, while Valentina, their 18-year-old daughter, has already worked out how to use sex to her advantage. When Carlo starts an affair, Giulia tries to seduce the producer of a nearby stage project she is in, and Valentina does what she does best to secure an audition for a TV program, the family faces a crisis.

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