Some Kind of Beautiful 2015

Categorized as Comedy

Release Date: 07/16/2015 (GR)
Duration: 1h 39m
Genre: Comedy

There are three sides of a decent love tale.

Richard Haig is a prolific and well-respected English professor at Cambridge’s prestigious Trinity College. Richard indulges his erotic dreams of a constant stream of attractive undergraduates late at night. Richard, on the other hand, has had enough of the game and is searching for something more substantive and long-lasting. Richard is ecstatic as Kate, his tanned, athletic 25-year-old American girlfriend, informs him that she is pregnant. He dreams of making his own family and becoming a parent his children will be proud of, rather than any sex-fueled bobcat. There’s just one problem. Richard isn’t smitten with Kate. Richard has a crush on Kate’s younger sister, Olivia. He’d been smitten with her from the first day he met her.

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