Soul Kitchen 2009

Categorized as Comedy, Drama

Release Date: 09/10/2009 (US)
Duration: 1h 39m
Genre: Drama, Comedy


SOUL KITCHEN follows Zinos, a likable yet hopelessly disorganized restauranteur whose cafe serves as a second home to a ragtag group of lovable eccentrics. As his girlfriend Nadine packs her belongings and leaves to Shanghai, a heartbroken Zinos agrees to follow her, putting his restaurant in the care of his untrustworthy ex-con brother Illias. Both choices backfire: Illias sells the restaurant to a crooked real estate dealer, when Zinos discovers Nadine has a new boyfriend. Whether the brothers will put their differences aside and work together, the Soul Kitchen will always have a chance to survive. The ensuing mayhem is a hilariously amusing tale of self-discovery set to an irresistibly soulful soundtrack.

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