St Agatha 2019

Categorized as Horror, Thriller

Release Date: 05/22/2019 (ID)
Duration: 1h 30m
Genre: Horror, Thriller

Make amends for your transgressions.

St. Agatha is set in a tiny Georgia town in the 1950s. Agatha, a teenage con artist on the lam, finds shelter in a convent shrouded in complete silence. What begins as the ideal location for a kid soon transforms into a dark lair where secrecy is enforced. Ghastly lies are revealed, and Agatha’s willpower is put to the test. She soon discovers the convent’s sick and distorted reality, as well as the strange people that lurk inside its walls. Agatha must now find a way to summon the unyielding power she needs to flee and rescue her baby before she is permanently imprisoned within these walls.

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