Tarzan II 2005

Categorized as Adventure, Animation, Family

Release Date: 06/13/2005 (US)
Duration: 1h 12m
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family

The Beginning of a Legend

With Disney’s Tarzan II, a hilarious, all-new animated motion picture packed with laughter, irresistible new music by Phil Collins, and the inspired voice talent of Glenn Close, George Carlin, and Emmy Award nominee Brad Garrett, relive the beginning of the legend. Tarzan was an insecure little boy struggling to blend in until he became King of the Jungle. Tarzan decides that his family will be best off without him because one of his missteps places them in jeopardy. His exciting new adventure takes him face to face with the enigmatic Zugor, the land’s most formidable force. Together, Tarzan and Zugor learn that being distinctive isn’t a flaw, and that friends and family are the most powerful assets of all. The entire family will enjoy this action-packed adventure. Prepare to GO APE for Disney’s latest Tarzan II.

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