The Battle Roar To Victory 2019

Categorized as Action, Drama, History, War

Release Date: 08/07/2019 (KR)
Duration: 2h 15m
Genre: Drama, History, Action, War


When Korea was under Japanese control in 1920, Hae-chul of the Korean Independence Army and his subordinates were in charge of delivering funds to the Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai. Hae-chul is reunited with Jang-ha, a young squad leader whose task is to protect Samdunja, during the operation. They band together and surround the Japanese troops in Samdunja, where they are soundly defeated. They’re now being pursued by Japanese soldiers, and Hae-chul discovers that Jang-goal ha’s isn’t yet complete. He is always in control of a critical yet risky task.

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