The Legend of Hercules 2014

Categorized as Action, Adventure

Release Date: 01/10/2014 (US)
Duration: 1h 39m
Genre: Action, Adventure

Consider this: Every man has a destiny.

In 1200 B.C., a queen gives in to Zeus’ love and bears a son who will overturn the king’s tyrannical rule and bring stability to a land in turmoil. But this prince, Hercules, has no idea who he is or what his fate is. He only wants one thing: to be loved by Hebe, Princess of Crete, who is engaged to his own child. When Hercules discovers his greater intent, he must choose between fleeing with his true love and fulfilling his destiny as the true hero of his day. In this action-packed epic, the reality behind one of the oldest myths is unveiled – a tale of passion, sacrifice, and the human spirit’s resilience.

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