Arizona Dream 1994

Categorized as Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance

Release Date: 09/09/1994 (US)
Duration: 2h 22m
Genre: Fantasy, Comedy, Drama, Romance

A defiant adolescent. For his own vision of the world, to be precise. Even his own romantic fantasies.

With a freshly captured halibut in his sled, an Innuit hunter races along. This fish appears in the film, both in actual and imagined forms. Meanwhile, Axel works as a naturalist’s gofer in New York, tagging trout. He’s content there, but a courier comes, requesting that he be transported to Arizona for his uncle’s wedding. It’s just a ruse to entice Axel to join the family firm. Axel encounters two strange women in Arizona: vivacious, needy, and afflicted with neuroses and family strife. He falls in love with one while the other, who is wealthy but lonely, entertains a zoo of pet turtles with accordion music.

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