Casper 1995

Categorized as Comedy, Family, Fantasy

Release Date: 05/26/1995 (US)
Duration: 1h 40m
Genre: Fantasy, Comedy, Family

Obtain a continuation beyond death

When Carrigan Crittenden finds a map to a treasure concealed in the property, she is ready to burn it down, furious that her late father just left her his dingy-looking mansion instead of his millions. When she reaches the rickety mansion to make her point, however, she is chased away by a horde of ghosts. She employs afterlife psychiatrist Dr. James Harvey to exorcise the spirits from the mansion, determined to get her hands on this hidden wealth. Harvey and his daughter Kat move in, and Kat soon encounters Casper, a little boy’s ghost who is “”the friendliest ghost you encounter.”” Casper’s uncles, Stretch, Fatso, and Stinkie, on the other hand, are eager to scare all “”fleshies”” further.

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