Kickboxer Vengeance 2016

Categorized as Action, Drama

Release Date: 09/02/2016 (US)
Duration: 1h 30m
Genre: Action, Drama

Legends Never Die, as the saying goes.

Eric and Kurt Sloane are the sons of a well-known family of martial artists from Venice, California. Kurt, the younger of the two, has always been in his older brother Eric’s shadow, and considering his abilities, he has been advised that he lacks the instinct necessary to become a champion. Kurt, on the other side, promises vengeance after seeing his brother’s brutal assassination at the hands of Muay Thai champion Tong Po. He prepares for a battle to the death with Tong Po with the support of his brother’s trainer. It is unlikely at first to turn Kurt into the living tool he needs to defeat Tong Po, but Kurt proves he has a stronger power through a series of tests and risky encounters that will take him through to his final confrontation with Tong Po.

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