Maquia When The Promised Flower Blooms 2018

Categorized as Animation, Drama, Fantasy, Romance

Release Date: 02/24/2018 (JP)
Duration: 1h 55m
Genre: Animation, Fantasy, Romance, Drama

They will pursue love in a world where love is prohibited.

Maquia is a part of the Iorph, a rare species that may survive for centuries. Yet Machia was still alone, even though she was surrounded by her people when she was young orphaned. She wishes of the outside world, but does not dares to travel from her home because of the threats of the head of the clan. One day Mezarte’s empire invades her country. You still have under your charge what is left of the massive dragons, the Renato, and now your King wants to incorporate immortality into his bloodline. They ravage the birthplace of the Iorph, killing much of its citizens. Caught in the middle of the assault, one of the Renato is taken away by Machia. It will quickly die, and she will be alone in the woods deserted, now alone to rescue a single baby’s cry. In a devastated village, Maquia discovers her baby and agrees to take him as her own, calling him Ariel. Although she knows little about the human environment, how to bring up a kid who is even faster than her.

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