March of the Penguins 2005

Categorized as Documentary, Family

Release Date: 07/22/2005 (US)
Duration: 1h 20m
Genre: Documentary, Family

Love makes a way also in the most hostile environment on the planet.

Thousands of emperor penguins migrate to Antarctica every year to mate and raise their offspring. They march 70 miles in single line, day and night, into the world’s darkest, driest, and coldest continent. Morgan Freeman narrates this incredible true-life tale, which is full of humor and thrills. The transcendent elegance and staggering drama of devoted parent penguins who, in the harsh polar winter, take turns defending their egg and trekking to the ocean in pursuit of food are captured in breath-taking photographs. Predators stalk them, and hurricanes batter them. But it’s all worth it because their cute chicks are healthy. So, pursue the master… on a journey of discovery!!

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