Stand by Me 2014

Categorized as Animation, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction

Release Date: 12/31/2014 (US)
Duration: 1h 30m
Genre: Animation, Family, Science Fiction, Fantasy

Is Doraemon coming to an end this summer?

Some time back, a tormented child stayed in the outskirts of Tokyo around ten years old. There were Sewashi, the Nobita descendant of the 22nd century four centuries back, and Doraemon, the cat-like robot of the 22nd century who supports citizens with his hidden gadgets. Sewashi believes that his family has suffered from Nobita’s debts up to his age, and he brought Doraemon as Nobita’s caretaker to add happiness to his future in order to change that disruptive future, while Doraemon’s happiness isn’t. So Sewashi built a Doraemon achievement app that forced him to take charge of Nobita. Doraemon can’t travel back to the 22nd century until he pleases Nobita. That’s how Doraemon and Nobita’s life starts. Can Doraemon survive and go back to the 22nd century?

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