The Librarian Return To King Solomon’S Mines 2006

Categorized as Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Release Date: 09/09/2006 (AU)
Duration: 1h 32m
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure


Flynn Carsen gets a map in the mail with the elusive location of King Solomon’s Mines after retrieving the Crystal Skull in Utah. When the scroll is taken, Judson discusses the significance of the Key of Solomon’s book and tasks Flynn with retrieving the map. Without the legend item, which is located in Volubilis near the Roman ruins in Morocco, the map is useless. Flynn travels to the ruins of Casablanca, where he is pursued by a party of mercenaries led by General Samir. They, too, want to know where King Solomon’s mines are. General Samir and his men are pursued by Flynn and Professor Emily Davenport, who is working in the dig. They rescue the local Jomo from death while flying to Gedi, and the trio embarks on a perilous trip across the wilds of Africa.

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