The Verdict 1982

Categorized as Drama

Release Date: 12/17/1982 (US)
Duration: 2h 9m
Genre: Drama

The physicians, the Church, their attorneys, and even his own clients are all eager to reach an agreement. Galvin, on the other hand, is adamant about defying them both. He’ll take the appeal to trial.

As a former colleague tells him about his duties in a medical malpractice suit by serving it to Galvin on a silver platter—all sides are able to settle out of court—Frank Galvin is a down-on-his-luck lawyer relegated to partying and ambulance chasing. When he stumbles through the preliminary hearings, Galvin knows that the matter should be taken to court—to convict the convicted, to obtain a just payout for his clients… and to reclaim his legal reputation.

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