Willow 1988

Categorized as Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Release Date: 05/20/1988 (US)
Duration: 2h 6m
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

It doesn’t get much better than this when it comes to adventure.

The wicked Queen Bavmorda imprisons all pregnant women inside the mighty fortress of Nockmaar, fearful of a prophecy claiming that a girl child will be born to bring about her demise. Elora Danan, an infant born in the dungeons of Nockmaar, is marked as the prophesied girl by a birthmark on her arm. Elora’s mother persuades her reluctant midwife to flee with the baby before the black sorceress arrives to demand the infant. Willow, a fearful farmer and aspiring sorceress, has been charged with the task of protecting the royal child from evil.

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