The Big Country 1958

Categorized as Drama, Romance, Western

Release Date: 10/01/1958 (US)
Duration: 2h 45m
Genre: Drama, Western, Romance

They battled big! They adored the size! Their tale is huge!

Jim McKay, a rich retired ship captain, travels to the wide expanses of the West to marry his fiancée Pat Terrill. McKay is a guy whose ideals and way of life are unknown to the ranchers, and ranch foreman Steve Leech dislikes him right away. Pat Terrill is spoiled, self-centered, and under the influence of her rich father, Major Henry Terrill. The Major is embroiled in a ruthless civil war with a rough-hewn clan headed by Rufus Hannassey for cattle watering privileges. Julie Maragon owns the property in dispute, and Terrill and Hannassey both want it.

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